Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014


saya gak tau kenapa tapi setelah nonton 99 cahaya di langit eropa saya langsung pengen bikin tulisan ini.
Okay,lets we start it.

I’m a muslim,but i think im not a perfect muslim yet. Yet. Saya seorang muslim yang sholatnya masih bolong,saat bulan puasa masih suka mengeluh lapar,yang bacanya al qur’annya suka kalo lagi ingat aja,dan masih banyak lagi kekurangan lainnya sebagai seorang muslim.
The point is,i still learn to be a perfect moslim.
I dont know why but sometimes orang yang bukan muslim itu mostly men-judge kita muslim sebagai seorang yang buruk,kasar,dan repot. Yap,as what i saw in this movie. I mean the western people.  Mereka fikir kenapa kita harus sholat 5 waktu? Why we not allowed to eat pork? Kenapa kita harus sholat jumat? So much question about “why do u people doing that everyday for the rest of your live?”

Maybe,if i met someone and she/he ask me about this question,im gonna answer her/him :
“u’ll never understand because you not like me. If u want to know the reason,you need to feel it by yourself. Maybe by start to learn it”
Agama itu kayak perasaan. Bisa dijelaskan dan juga enggak. Religion is about your soul,also feeling.
As we know,kissing in public is normal for mostly western people. Its like,a natural thing,right? Even there so many teenager are not virgin anymore before they got 20. Saya pernah punya pacar,seperti kebanyakan anak remaja lainnya. Tapi,bedanya entah kenapa selama saya pacaran saya tidak begitu menikmati skinship. I don’t know why,but i just don’t really like it because when you do skinship with someone who have feeling with u and u too,then the next thing is can be unpredictable.
It start with touching,and then kissing and the you become wild each other,and reflex you open his/her shirt and bla bla bla. Yup,and one day the girl get pregnant. Yuck,its always happen. Eventhough the girl not get pregnant,the fact is SHE IS NOT VIRGIN ANYMORE.

My parents have a little souvenir shop in north indonesia,Biak,Papua. And as the souvenir shop,every people from every place come in and buy souvenir. Start from the local people,indonesian people and stranger.
I already met many people from many country. Mostly from japan and holand because in Biak there had some museum from japan. And many holand people was stay in Biak.So i met them when im in Biak.

I had one experience with Holand people. They are backpacker. There are about 6 people in that group and they were family. I always enthusiasm when stranger came to my shop. So when they try to ask somethin with bahasa i reply with english and they are smile. They said “oh you can speak english” and i just said, “yeah just a little”. And they keep asking the prize,and we speaking each other and the grandpa said my english was excellent. Mostly stranger always said that to me and i am gratefully to hear that.

I think the grandpa really like me because she called me “good english girl” . LOL. Actually my tenses are fuckin BAD. maybe WORST.  I don’t know why the strangers always said my english was good,perfect,clear,and bla bla bla but my teacher always said my english was PREETY GOOD”. Pretty good even not better than GOOD. In college score it seems like you got B+ NOT A. Its like someone want to give u apple but he cut in half then he give it to u. Yeah u get it but u feel not same when u get it in a one perfect apple .
Okay lets talk about the grandpa. So the grandpa seems like he really want to know about me. He asked me “where u learn english?” and i just said “well..i learn it by my self. By listening music and watching movie. Thats the fast way to learn it.” And he said “oh,thats right. Thats the good way to learn english”
And i said, “i must to learn english,i have to. Because my parent told me that english is important in this era,and for me. As u see,my parents have this souvenir shop and automatically foreigner will came in. And if i can’t speak english how i serve the customer? “ and it goes about 15 minutes we talk about my english.

And then we talk about my religion,Islam. Its start from wine. I asked him how is it taste like,and he’s grand daughter said its sweet and bitter. And i said i really wanna try it but i can’t because i am muslim. And he’s like get little shocked. “Are u muslim?” and i said “yes,i am”. “why u not wear that thing on your head (he mean veil). “oh yeah,i wear it when i go outside (yap,i’m still learning)” and he said “don’t wear it u better like this,more beautiful”. I just laughed and i explained to him “every muslim woman who already puberty or growing adult,must to wear it.” And he just shaking his head. And i asked him again how the pork taste. And he said “its like chicken,its good”. And i said “oh is it?” “oh you can’t eat them right? Why?” and i said “yeah,there have some thing that islam not allowed we to eat them because some reason. So many thing that we cant consume or do because must be something with it.

You know that Pork had tapeworm and it tottally dangerous. Why we can’t consume Alcohol? Because it can make you lose your self if u drink too much. And many more reason why we can’t consume some thing that u can. Every single thing u not allowed to do must be some reason behind it.I just said like that and he just smile to me.
Im really proud to be a moslem,but it doesnt mean the other was bad. No no no. Every relligion is good,because GOD is one. You must to do the best for you GOD. And be good people so He Gonna loves you. Im still learning to be a perfect moslem,and everyone learning to be good to they GOD too.

And i love this movie so much. Its fuckin cool movie that makes me nangis bombay LOL.
That all my story and my opinion about MUSLIM. Danke for reading. Anyeong~ Assalamulaikumm :)

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